Monday, July 19, 2010

Washcloths Are Taking Over My Room

Last year, I donated one of my t-shirt bracelets to Melissa at Mending Hands for a raffle, and since then we've had a nice partnership going. We both had a good laugh when she asked me to donate 200 washcloths for her to use in September for her new clients.

The idea of knitting 200 washcloths is pretty insane, but I'm up for it. (You can bet Feisty Redhead business cards will be attached to each one!)

I bought a ton of 100% cotton yarn...
...and then I started knitting. I made significant progress over the July 4th weekend while riding MegaBus roundtrip from NYC to DC.

Washcloths in waiting:

I tried to buy a variety of bright colors to keep me sane, plus I wanted my bedroom to look pretty when the washcloths take over.

This is the first time I've ever mass-produced something. If you've ever tried mass production, you know my woes!

1 comment:

LeslieGallery - Tales of an Entrepreneur said...

You can do it! I love Sugar and Cream yarn.